Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy March!

Hope you remembered to say “rabbit rabbit rabbit” this morning!

Borbit Borbit Borbit

^ that is what happens when I eat one of those toxic Fun Dip things at 11:30 pm.

…I think I’ll call him Larry.

Anyway, I don’t really have anything particularly important to post about, so this is definitely going to be a fairly weak shadow in comparison to rightmeupnow’s last few posts (which were just…awesome =] ). First, just want to give a big thanks to everybody who’s been reading/commenting/etc. We broke 1,100 hits yesturday, and even though thats nothing compared to most of the blogs out there, its still a really cool milestone.

I dug this next bit out of a notebook from a year or two ago, and it kind of applies to where I am right now, so I’ll copy it over and then maybe elaborate.

There’s a very painful difference between writing and not really having anything to say, and having something to say but being unable to articulate it. This extends into the desiderata as well. Often, when we are at a crucial junction in our lives, we can find it very difficult to find the right words, and conversely, when we find ourselves in a relative state of calm or ‘forward movement’, we may have all the desire and capacity in the world to write and have nothing of significance to say.

In the end, though, if under either circumstance a piece of writing is produced, it matters little what state of thinking the author was in when he produced it. What matters after the pen has marked the page is the content and quality of the writing, for under either circumstance both great works and literary trainwrecks can be created.

Really, then, the only difference between the two is the one percieved by the writer. If the writier can master conveying the feel of either one of these states of mind while experiencing the opposing - and not necessarily purposefully - then this writer has transcended the root of this dilemma, and for him now, though the dilemma may still exist, it has ceased to be apparent to his readers.

Also, my bird has discovered that if he pecks a certain button on the computer it causes it to go into Hibernation Mode. Since discovering this 15 minutes ago, and despite my best efforts to stop him, he has managed to send the computer into hibernate 3 times. It is making it VERY DIFFICULT to write.

[see this post in full context at]

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